nice, I like how mellow it is at the beginning
nice, I like how mellow it is at the beginning
I'm surprised it's not on a submission yet
sounds great
heh, thanks :D hm..yeah, i hope someone will use it in the future tho :)
sic sic sic
awesome beat, I love that game
could go great in a rave scene sequence, I can imagine Kratos groovin with a button combo dance or die
great stuff 8-)
Great mellow track, reminds me of outer space
thank you very much dude. :)
I'm really diggin your style, I think of outer space gardens and stuff when I listen to this, great stuff
That's what I think of sometimes, too! No joke, lol. Thanks for the review!
I'm for world peace as well, awesome track, it would sound good in something like a menu for a dvd or videogame or something as well, it has that media feel, good stuff
I agree with the video game thing. I'm not really sure what to do with it. Enjoy it for now I guess, haha. Thanks!
I could really think and write with this track man, and the sounds are all good, I really dig this one, real mellow great stuff :)
very chill
I liked it, very mellow, I could get some visuals from the creative source, good job :)
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. It was a rare moment of inspiration lol. I guess I somehow I tapped into my roots and found a sound that I liked.
I was expecting to hear some louder bass drums on it, but it's very good stuff :)
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