his first album was alright, but after that i stopped listening to him, too much of the same old gangster stuff which i'm not into, great episode 8-)#
his first album was alright, but after that i stopped listening to him, too much of the same old gangster stuff which i'm not into, great episode 8-)#
The guy below needs to get whoa
you said this is part of a collab so i guess that's why it felt a bit short, but good job on the animation, are you thinking of ressurecting the lost project sometime?
more movement woulda topped it but it rocks! the music is bad-ass as well, great job 8-)#
ho phuckin ho
I put up a 10 on violence due to the ass-raping, reminds me of irreversible, klunk made me piss my pants, great stuff and merry holidays
i liked the style of drawing for the characters, i would have liked to see them more enimated but i shouldn't say that i can't do any better myself :P great flash
Pretty long, i've seen this a long time ago, hit all the spots on the memorable moments of the game, the voice for snake was ill, must hurt the throat because it's a rough voice to make, great job everyone 8-)#
If i wasn't drunk right now i would have not enjoyed it as much, the pirate was randomly hilarious, good stuff 8-)#
if i was Lazlo i wouldn've gone on a rampage after i saw what was in the bag, it looks like you drew over a 3-D model very interesting and nicely done, looks dank :) good stuff i'm a big fan of your duck tales noteably the one with vegeta, keep up the good work and stay brilliant
that went dark quick, everytime i thought it couldn't get worse it did, which is why i love this cartoon, comical genius :)
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