My sentiments exactly, nice use of the effects for song by the way, kick ass stuff
My sentiments exactly, nice use of the effects for song by the way, kick ass stuff
that was awesome, i dunno if it was intentional but the lack of action and the promise of action in the next episode is typical DBZ >.<
spot on
dude, that's how it is straight up, but personally i'd never sit on public toilets, great stuff, this is one of my favorites
fan fuggin tastic
that was the most random work i've seen from you yet, and your arnold impersonation is better than mine so kudos mate, funniest shit ever
random means RANDOM!! funny as hell man, unpredictable 8-)#
such a sick interpretation of worms with chief, just awesome 8-)#
hands down, the funniest metal gear parody....on top of the awesome graphics every villain had me pissin my paants especially the postman character, brilliant all the way through, good job 8-)#
takin the dump was hilarious, will we see more parodies with this random style it could work with anything, funny as hell man great work
mk better
k that was funny as hell especially the bar scene at the end, i expected it it to be longer thought but oh well, it's good-m-shiet anyways
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